A Letter to the Man I will Marry in the Future

Who knows who you are?

Science tells me that I would know you by the way you smell and the world tells me I will know you because I will feel this sudden rush of excitement and joy when I see you.

I sat today amidst my study session pondering how our relationship would be. I was wondering whether my current seatmate may be the guy I actually marry or maybe I am bound to marry the best friend I have known to “love” for the past five years of my life.

Have I been wasting my time with them when I should’ve been with you?

Are you somewhere where I have not smelled the grass yet or where I have not set foot?

I was wondering what we’d call each other. Is it gonna make you cringe if we call each other Babe like every other couple here on Earth? Or would you rather call me so because you’ve been wanting to find a babe of your own.

Well babe, love, sweetheart, whatever kind of endearment we come up with, here I am. I am willing to be your very own. I sometimes believe my sole purpose is to find you, fill you to the brink with all the love I have stored for years. This love from our God, this love my parents have given me, this love my teachers, my classmates and my best friends have invested in me. This love that I have given myself, all I give to you.

I am ecstatic, just thinking about you makes me happy. A you with no face yet but a you I know I will meet. Who knows if by any chance you come across this article and we coincidentally meet. Who knows what you look like and what you like. Who knows when we’ll meet and if we ever will. Who knows, we don’t and yet I trust the red string of Faith and Love to get closer until I find you and you find me.

I cannot wait to be in your arms and hug you tight and say I’m sorry for all the years I have left you alone, trying to figure out this world alone. But don’t worry because one day when we become stronger, stronger for each other, we will finally follow the path we ought to take, a journey that we shall voyage with linking arms and heavy hearts. Hearts full of love.

So for now please be patient. I do not know what kind of problems you are going through what trials you have to surpass but when we get through these barriers that separate us I promise to hold your hand forever and never let go.

We shall see each other in the future, oblivious and yet I am looking forward to it.

Your future wife

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